Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The motive for the attacks in Paris and Brussels

Click here to access article by Thierry Meyssan from Voltaire Network

I normally do not post articles with so much speculative analysis that is based mostly on logic, but I am making an exception with this piece because Meyssan's speculations are so logical. They would explain a lot of mysterious happenings such as both the Russian and US support of the Syrian Kurds (for different reasons), Erdogan's seemly erratic actions, as well as the bombing incidents in Europe.

If true, his speculations would offer an excellent illustration of how various national elites commit monstrous crimes to further their interests of power and wealth. Such ruling class crimes (see also my commentary for "Obama of Arabia") have frequently occurred during the past 10 thousand years and will continue until we rid ourselves of the scourge of class rule, or until we finally kill each other in a nuclear conflagration and/or destroy the Earth's habitat that is capable of supporting human life. 

Are we, the 99.9% of the world's population, going to sit idly by watching ruling classes commit one terrible crime after another, or are we going to be activists fighting for our very survival by ending class rule? Yes, it is risky business to oppose ruling classes. They can really kill you or members of your family or make your family's life miserable. (I was threatened with being run off the road one late night and then followed to my home--it was clearly a death threat.) But think of the above alternatives if we remain passive. We can reduce the individual risks of revolution and vastly increase our power by organizing our opposition and being informed.