Friday, April 8, 2016

Collective letter: some possible ideas for going forward

Click here to access article by the ROAR Collective for ROAR.

I occasionally post articles that I condemn. This is one of them. 

Notice throughout the piece that it is solely interested in reforming capitalist rule of societies in order to make the lives of the vast majority of non-capitalists better. This is a major detour from what the original orientation of ROAR (Reflections on a Revolution) before it became co-opted by a Dutch equity fund called Democracy & Media Foundation. It is a detour that leads not to revolution but to reformism. Gone are any articles that relate to revolution and in their places we see mostly liberal pieces complaining about actual functioning capitalism. This article (signed by a number of "left" activists) illustrates once again what happens when a revolutionary organization is taken over by a capitalist organization. It also furnishes more evidence justifying my original concern about this reorganization that I expressed back in February.