Saturday, April 30, 2016

McKibben’s Divestment Tour – Brought to You by Wall Street

Click here to access article by Cory Morningstar from The Art of Annihilation.

Morningstar explains why corporations have backed McKibben's and's support for divestment of stocks that support environmentally harmful activities. (clue) It is just another deception to make us believe that capitalists are doing something constructive about the threat of climate destabilization. 
What most people are happy to dismiss is the fact that the bourgeoisie do not fund and promote what they cannot control and manipulate for their own benefit. It’s incredible how millions of dollars in funding enables those who benefit (those of privilege) to not ask the obvious questions that follow such “philanthropic gifts” (ie. investments). If any person of sound mind truly believes that Rockefeller et al. are united in financing and promoting a global divestment campaign because they simply wish for a clean world, then this author has a bridge to sell them.