Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The West's Terrorist "Catch and Release" Program

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook.
For fisheries around the world, the concept of “catch and release” allows anglers to enjoy the fishing experience while preserving the numbers and health of fish populations. The concept of “catch and release” for Western security and intelligence agencies appears very similar – to maintain the illusion of counterterrorism operations, while maintaining the numbers and health of terrorist organizations around the world.
But, you say, "why would they do that?" Come on! Think about it! How much longer are you going to let them make a fool of you? You know, or should know, that the "War on Drugs" was not really a war on drugs. We now have more drug problems and trafficking than ever before. Well the "War on Terrorism" is not about a war on terrorism-- whatever that means. Cartalucci supplies some real answers.