Monday, May 30, 2016

9/11 Disinformation: Saudi Arabia Attacked America

Click here to access article by Paul Craig Roberts from Foreign Policy Journal.
The forever changing 9/11 story is entering a new phase. Blame is being transferred from Osama bin Laden to the Saudi Arabian government.
Here is how I would put Robert's argument: The "deep state" which assassinated many top leaders in the late '60s and early '70s is now trying another tactic to deflect our attention away from their false flag 9/11 operation that has been used to launch so many devastating wars in the Middle East.
Katib Al-Shammari says that the US planned and carried out 9/11 in order to obtain hegemony over the Middle East and placed the blame for 9/11 on an ever changing list of culprits depending on Washington’s goal at the time. First, he says, it was Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Then Saddam Hussein and Iraq. A New York Court blames Iran. Now Saudi Arabia is given the villian role. The Americans, he says, always come up with suspicious documents and claim to have evidence that they never show.

Americans would greatly benefit from reading the perspective of others. Do read the Saudi’s explanation of 9/11. It makes more sense than the official story.