Sunday, May 8, 2016

Already happens: Capitalism destroys human labor force and goes to the next phase

Click here to access article by "system failure" from the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens.

Because the English is a bit awkward, the anonymous author is likely writing this as a second language. Still the subject of increasing automation that the writer addresses is a very important issue that points to major convulsions in the future. 
Connecting the dots one can discover the most nightmarish scenarios. Destructive capitalism's next phase is the total substitution of the human labor force with robotic machines, or in other words, the hyper-automatization. There is a process taking place right now, and no one (or nearly no one) knows what would happen after its completion. 
What could be a blessing for humans is a nightmare under capitalism.
In case that these armies of interconnected machine slaves belonged to everyone, thus if everyone had the right to benefit from the goods that they produce, then no problem. What should be done, however, in case that these machine slaves, the capital of future, belong (like the most of today's capital) to the very few, while at the same time most of the people do not have access in the goods they produce and an opportunity to work for a (human) wage?”