Saturday, May 14, 2016

Film Review: ‘Occupation Of The American Mind’ Unravels Israel’s Propaganda War In US

Click here to access article by Roqayah Chamseddine from ShadowProof.
“The Occupation Of The American Mind,” directed by Loretta Alper and Jeremy Earp, is a stunning documentary examining Israel’s public relations war in the United States. It premiered last month.
The reviewer must mean that it premiered in the US last month. Actually the premiere showing was in Amsterdam of last year.
With help from Peter Hart, of Fair Media Watch, Yousef Munayyer, executive director of The U.S. Campaign to End The Israeli Occupation, and others, the film deconstructs the establishment media’s propaganda efforts. Yousef Munayyer argues that when we examine the formula that mainstream media outlets follow we find Israeli spokespeople are over-represented when compared to Palestinian spokespeople by a margin of 3 to 1. So when Israel is discussed, we are inundated with commentary from officials, who propagate in support of Israel’s use of violence.
I wonder how often this film will be shown in movie theaters in the US outside of the ones on university campuses. But you can access this film online for as little as $5 at this link. Also you may be interested in another review posted in March from AntiMedia.