Thursday, May 12, 2016

Who Will Control Access to Internet News?

Click here to access article by Russ Baker from his blog WhoWhatWhy.
Google has entered the fray to do battle with Facebook and others as the place where online content lives.

If these efforts are successful, people will increasingly stop visiting websites as we know them. They will get all their news from Google, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, and a few other large providers. We will see the gradual diminution of brands until online journalism is purely about which story grabs us.
It was inevitable that our masters in the ruling capitalist class would make efforts to control what information we receive over the web just as they have done with other media. I see this especially true of the hand-held electronic devices, but I think that their efforts to control what we access on the web via computers is much more limited. We just need to be informed, alert, and exercise more judgement about the nature of the web. Baker's information is helpful in this effort.