Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why Saudi Arabia Is Suddenly in Serious Trouble

Click here to access article by Vijay Prashad fro/m AlterNet.

Prashad sees that the Saudi King’s son, Mohammed Bin Salman, is following a very neoliberal plan that will lead the kingdom "either into social chaos or into the Chinese orbit. No other alternative exists." And he wonders if Washington is paying attention.

Well I think Washington is paying very close attention, and so does Kevin Ryan, a 9/11 Truther and author of Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects. Check out this very fascinating interview with Ryan, posted on Global Research's website, and his arguments about the recent threats to reveal the contents of the censored 28 pages of the official 9/11 report. 
...I see the 28 pages as not just a red herring that propagates the myth that “Muslims did it,” which we know to be untrue, but also as a means of controlling the Saudi regime.