Sunday, June 12, 2016

Arctic melting feeds on itself

Click here to access article by Tim Radford from Climate News Network.

This article reports that scientific research suggests that we are entering a period of runaway climate destabilization.
Climate change is happening, being driven by the human combustion of fossil fuels at unprecedented rates for more than a century. But how the climate will change is harder to guess. The suspicion is that – if the Arctic amplification process works in the way that scientists think it must do – then climate change in the Arctic can only accelerate. But right now, all researchers can do is watch, record and measure.
On the same subject you might want to read this article from Inside Climate News entitled "Wobbly Jet Stream Is Sending the Melting Arctic into 'Uncharted Territory'".

Meanwhile, the capitalist ruling class employees in the U.S. House of Representatives recently voted against taxes on carbon emissions and oil production.