Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How The Press Hides The Global Crimes Of The West: Corporate Media Coverage Of Chad

Click here to access article by Richard Lance Keeble posted on Media Lens.

This British professor of journalism offers as an excellent study of Western media coverage (or coverup) of a Western supported human rights criminal illustrated in the rule of Hissène Habré, the former dictator of Chad, who was recently tried and convicted in Senegal and sentenced to life in prison.
The verdict could well have presented the opportunity for the media to examine in detail the complicity of the US, UK, France and their major allies in the Middle East and North Africa in the appalling genocide Habré inflicted on Chad during his rule – from 1982 to 1990. After all, Habré had seized power via a CIA-backed coup. ....
Indeed, while coverage of Chad has been largely missing from the British corporate media, so too was the massive, secret war waged over these eight years by the United States, France and Britain from bases in Chad against Libyan leader Colonel Mu'ammar Gaddafi.