Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Its Official: Our World is Governed by Psychopaths

Click here to access article by Vanessa Beeley from 21st Century Wire. (The use of the word "psychopaths" is often referred to by others as "sociopaths". The usage of the latter term, I think, was brought about by its separate adoption by a professional organization (probably related to sociology) to differentiate behavior that is induced by inadequate moral socialization from mental disorders that are biologically based--"psychopathology" includes both. Thus when the terms are used in this context, they are equivalent.)

In this article Beeley express her profound chagrin over the recent appointment of Israel has chair of a law committee under the United Nations General Assembly. Israel has been in violation of a considerable number of UN resolutions concerning the Palestinian territory for a number of years. This appointment adds salt to the UN wound caused by Saudi Arabia's appointment to the UN Human Rights Council.

I was particularly struck by the quote from Aldous Huxley--it was very prophetic and insightful.