Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Puerto Rico Democratic Party Reduced Primary Votes to 8% of What Was Expected

Click here to access article by "Gaius Publius" from Down With Tyranny.

Capitalists have many ways to exercise control over their respective countries: their control of media, education, entertainment, and elections. Here in the US election rules are decided in each state or territory by the two capitalist parties. This piece illustrates how the Democratic Party will insure a suitable outcome to their upcoming primary election in Puerto Rico. 

Meanwhile another illustration of the creative strategies employed by the capitalist parties is reported on by Greg Palast. They were used yesterday in California to insure the results that the Democratic Party wanted (Hillary Clinton). Unfortunately he waited until yesterday to post this warning to the citizens of California. 

You can expect many other reports of such election tricks in alternative websites. Only a few of the usual types will be reported in corporate media such as these from the LA Times and the NY Daily News

And of course sitting above all these election shenanigans is the strategy of grooming of candidates by agents of the ruling capitalist class and the selection of candidates to run against each other in both of their parties. Read my commentaries here and here to learn about how they are managing this presidential election, and my post of another article which gives a history of methods they have used in past elections.