Monday, June 6, 2016

The UNO, the EU and Daesh schizophrenia

Click here to access article by Thierry Meyssan from his blog Voltaire Network (France).
Intergovernmental organisations are supposed to unite the efforts of member-states in order to achieve results that they could not manage alone. We might therefore conclude that the UNO and the EU are coordinating the fight against Daesh. Instead of which, these two organisations are hindering the forces on the ground and masking state support for international terrorism.
I often have difficulties with the English translations of Meyssan's articles (from French), but this essay is much better than most. I only had a problem with the use of "occulting" in this sentence:
It would be a mistake to believe that the occulting of the documents mentioned above is the result of anti-Iraqi, anti-Syrian or anti-Russian prejudice.
I had never heard of this use of "occult" as a verb. So in place of this obscure usage, it would have been much better to have used "excluding" instead. Otherwise I think his essay is well developed with linked references to support his thesis.