Thursday, July 14, 2016

A warmonger, a racist and a colonial apologist…

Click here to access article from Crimes of Britain.

The author introduces us to the new Prime Minister of Britain, and the headline says it all. It's clear that she will be a perfect fit for head of one the components of the US-led Empire.
On the 13th July 2016 David Cameron stepped down as leader of Britain. Theresa May is now Prime Minister. She voted for the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in 2003, for the deployment of more British troops to Afghanistan in 2010, the destruction of Libya in 2011 which created a safe haven for death squads in the region and most recently for RAF airstrikes on Syria. She has reshuffled the British cabinet, appointing well known racist bigot Boris Johnson as ‘Foreign Secretary’ and denier of colonial crimes Liam Fox as ‘Secretary of State for International Trade’.