Sunday, July 3, 2016

New “CIA Officer Whistleblowing” Video Reeks Of Disinfo

Click here to access article by Brandon Turbeville from Activist Post

The video that Turbeville analyses as disinformation reeks of very sophisticated Madison Avenue advertising technology directed at wavering activists to buy into the Empire's wars in the Middle East.
Making quite the circuit on the Internet landscape is a new video purporting to show a former CIA agent speaking out against the manner in which the “war on terror” is prosecuted and portrayed to the American public. The video (see below) has been shared and discussed thousands of times particularly within the alternative media community as evidence that the “war on terror” is one big snowball of bad decisions and blowback.

The video, is a short clip of an interview conducted by AJ+ with Amaryllis Fox, a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer, who makes a number of claims during the three-minute clip that range from the reasonable to the absurd. While many alternative media outlets have hailed Fox’s video as “brave” and Fox herself as a whistleblower, it would be wise to analyze her statements for what they are as opposed to praising them simply because they are being presented as “anti-establishment.”