Friday, July 15, 2016

New Neocon Documentary Series: A Very Heavy Agenda

Click here to access article from Media Roots

The third and final conclusion of this series entitled "A Very Heavy Agenda", which provides details on the latest iteration of neoconservatives (Zionist conservatives), is now available for viewing. See the trailer below.
While stage managing the American empire has undoubtedly proved to be a more difficult task now than in the bipolar world of the cold war era, it is not for lack of greed or hubris that the Kagans and others continue to sell their vision. Did they create these ideas because they truly believe in America’s right to be the dominant force in the world? Or, do these ideas help sell weapons and control resources like oil and rare minerals? .... When you take stock of the mindset of people who not only have access to the nexuses of power, but who trade in forming and widely disseminating arguments that justify bringing America closer to a potential nuclear confrontation with Russia, it shows something more plainly Machiavellian at work, with an aim ultimately much more sinister than simply spin.