Friday, July 15, 2016

Obama Prioritizes War in Europe Over War on People of Color

Click here to access article by Eric Draitser from Stop Imperialism.
...the same military-industrial complex is driving both US imperialism and state-sponsored police murders.  While US military trains Poles and Latvians and Lithuanians and Georgians to kill Russians, so too do security firms in Israel and the US train police officers to act as occupiers and kill citizens in America.  In effect, the belligerent foreign policy of Washington has been brought home.  Perhaps it could be more accurately said that war and occupation have always been the status quo in communities of color, that the killings and violence are only being highlighted today because they have been brought to the attention of White America.

The lack of respect for peace and human life is evident both on the streets of Ferguson, Baltimore, and Baton Rouge, just as it is on display with US saber-rattling in Eastern Europe.