Thursday, August 18, 2016

From Stable to Star – The Making of North American “Climate Heroes”

Click here to access article by Cory Morningstar from Wrong Kind of Green.

In this lengthy article Morningstar reveals how the capitalist directorate has extended their control over the "green" movement. This is an illustration of how they make sure that every important institution and movement in society serves--or at least doesn't threaten--their interests of profits and power. 
Many activists will be fully indoctrinated long before they have a chance to fully develop their own thought processes, ideologies and identities. The Green Corps Field School for Environmental Organizing” is where non-profits send their recruits to groom them for “a career in environmental organizing”.  Launched in 1992 by U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), which is funded in part by the Tides Foundation, Alumni/alumna includes Bill McKibben (350), Phil Radford (Greenpeace), Lisa Archer (Friends of the Earth, an NGO which has been represented on the Ceres Board of Directors since inception) and even Ceres senior associates such as Eleanor Fort. Green Corps is explicitly for “college seniors and recent graduates.” Seasoned activists need not apply. It is of interest to note that the aforementioned founder of Power Shift, and Green Corps Alumni, Phil Radforth, serves as a board member of Green Corps.