Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"I Ran the CIA" Man Piles on Trump

Click here to access article by Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review.

This former CIA agent reports about the endorsement of Hillary Clinton by the former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell, and many details about his career.
Michael Morell is, in fact, a product of Washington groupthink and a major beneficiary of Establishment politics, the very tradition that Hillary Clinton represents. Many readers have no doubt seen his serious, somewhat intense gaze as a television expert on terrorism. His career trajectory depends on there being major threats to the United States and this requires him to be constantly searching for enemies. Morell has covered for Hillary in the past, most notably over Benghazi where he altered the talking points of his Congressional testimony to make CIA’s assessment closer to Clinton’s version of events. That he has attached himself to the Hillary Clinton campaign should surprise no one.