Monday, August 15, 2016

New Era of Global Collective Psychosis

Click here to access article by Gilbert Mercier from News Junkie Post

I think that this was written to those of us who see we humans hurtling unthinkingly to our doom. As such it is a very somber piece that largely expresses the feelings of us who are aware of the current disturbing zeitgeist created by the "Empire of Chaos" that appears to be carrying us, along with the Empire's tiny capitalist class, to the end-time of humans. Their overwhelming command of wealth has given them overwhelming power to control events and thus control our minds. It seems that their daily dose of terror delivered to us via corporate TV networks has left us humans acting much like immobilized deer staring at the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. 
The media brainwasher/propagandists have powerful bullhorns and are always hard at work to keep their vast audience either uninformed, anxious, and feeling powerless or entertained. The news cycle has to spin so fast that critical thinking is never an option.
But wait, there's more! (You see, even people like myself have been infected with the memes of capitalist culture.) I think Mercier is also shouting in our collective ears to wake up, to act, and to save ourselves!