Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The “Movement for Black Lives” unveils Platform courtesy of $100 million from parasitic capitalist organizations

Click here to access article by Aaron O'Neal from The Burning Spear.

Once again we see capitalist agents trying to control an organization by funding them. O'Neal argues that capitalists are already trying to control various African-American protest movements, most especially the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization. In contrast to BLM, he favors Black is Back which has a long history of advocating Black power and Black community control over police forces.
Ironically, 50 years ago it was Stokely Carmichael who popularized the phrase "Black Power." This has widely been seen as the split that catapulted our movement from the opportunist demands of the Civil Rights Movement to the black power era that that swept the African community with such ferocity.

This movement was militarily defeated by the U.S. government with the killing of MLK 2 years later, Fred Hampton and destruction of our organizations through counterinsurgent attacks like the Black Panther Party.

Private funding sources were part and parcel
[of] counterinsurgent attacks on our movement in the 1960s that lead to the defeat of our movement. We cannot relieve the mistakes of the past.