Wednesday, September 21, 2016

America’s Worldwide Impunity

Click here to access article by Robert Parry from Consortium News.
After several years of arming and supporting Syrian rebel groups that often collaborated with Al Qaeda’s Nusra terror affiliate, the United States launched an illegal invasion of Syria two years ago with airstrikes supposedly aimed at Al Qaeda’s Islamic State spin-off, but on Saturday that air war killed scores of Syrian soldiers and aided an Islamic State victory. [Deir al-Zour aka Deir Ezzor, Deir Al-Zor, Deir-al-Zour, Dayr Al-Zawr, Der Ezzor and other variants: located in eastern Syria]

Yet, the major American news outlets treat this extraordinary set of circumstances as barely newsworthy, operating with an imperial hubris that holds any U.S. invasion or subversion of another country as simply, ho-hum, the way things are supposed to work.

But the fact that the U.S. and several allies have been routinely violating Syrian sovereign airspace to carry out attacks was not even an issue, nor is it a scandal that the U.S. military and CIA have been arming and training Syrian rebels. In the world of Official Washington, the United States has the right to intervene anywhere, anytime, for whatever reason it chooses.
See also this article from Moon of Alabama entitled [US] "Deir Ezzor Attack Enables The 'Salafist Principality'...."
On Saturday U.S. airplanes attacked the most important Syrian government position in Deir Ezzor. Nearly a hundred Syrian soldiers were killed and most of the heavy equipment the Deir Ezzor garrison had left was destroyed. Immediately after the attack fighters of the Islamic State occupied the bombed out government positions. These Islamic States fighters now own the heights above the Deir Ezzor airport. A day later the Islamic State shot down a Syrian government plane near Deir Ezzor. 
Well, I disagree with Parry. After all, the United States of America is an exceptional nation, at least, that is what our fuehrer (oops) leader says, and so this latest bombing of the Syrian army that was engaged with ISIS affiliated terrorist groups (who were likely responsible for the attacks on UN and Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid convoys) was for the good of Syria. I never question what our leaders tell us because we choose them in our democratic elections. Besides, the TV says mostly same things. (tongue in cheek)