Monday, September 5, 2016

Pathology Incorporated; The Facade Of American Democracy

Click here to access article by Nozomi Hayase from Information Clearing House

Hayase lifts the mask of "democracy" off the USA and finds mostly deep psychopathology among its leadership (capitalist ruling class).  
Those who are devoid of empathy hide their lack of internal structure in a façade of normalcy. By emulating good human attributes, these unknown members of society prey on the rest. They have found the best way to mask their vice by infiltrating governments and directly altering the definition of the norm. Through control of monetary supply and monopoly over markets, these 1% pathological beings have financially engineered a perversion of humanity through a pyramid Ponzi scheme of Darwinian survival of the most callous and cunning. By turning morality upside down, they not only make their deviance invisible, but actively incentivize these disturbing characters, making all people engage in this race to the bottom.