Saturday, September 10, 2016

The War on Terror: Targeting Elected Officials [a best post]

Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter (program) from KPFA in Berkeley, California interviews Canadian Prof. Graeme MacQueen in a one hour program.

In this excellent interview MacQueen provides many little known facts about what happened during and after 9/11 to intimidate Congressional leaders who were key figures to pass the Authorization for Use of Military Force and Patriot Act, and connects many other events to reveal a pattern of a grand false-flag conspiracy to promote a War on Terror, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and related events.
Graeme MacQueen discusses the intimidation of elected representatives by the executive branch in both the United States and Canada as a core feature of the War on Terror. MacQueen's pattern of Threat; Unity and Response (both internal and external) to perceived danger. The War on Terror as a threat to democracy.