Thursday, September 22, 2016

US Aid to Israel Aids Who and Toward What End?

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook.

Cartalucci exams some of the details of the latest $38 billion aid package to Israel and others like it, for example to Saudi Arabia, which are a boon to the US "defense" industry as well as serving to promote the US Empire's domination of the oil-rich Middle East. Read the article to see how he develops an argument that supports these rather unusual conclusions:
...the Israeli people, as well as their neighbors are denied any opportunity to live in peace and move forward in progress for another decade to come.

Rather than underwriting Israel’s security for the next decade, the US is ensuring Israel struggles under another 10 years of uncertainty, perpetually impending war, all while its regime continues to partner with neighboring regimes – including Saudi Arabia and Turkey – to undermine regional stability and further threaten the future of the Israeli people and the survival of the Israeli nation.

The Israeli regime’s signing of yet another compromising, dependency-inducing aid package with the United States is proof once again that Israel’s own government constitutes the Israeli nation’s worst enemy.