Friday, September 16, 2016

We Need to Literally Declare War on Climate Change

Click here to access article by Bill McKibben from New Republic.
It’s not that global warming is like a world war. It is a world war. Its first victims, ironically, are those who have done the least to cause the crisis. But it’s a world war aimed at us all. And if we lose, we will be as decimated and helpless as the losers in every conflict--except that this time, there will be no winners, and no end to the planetwide occupation that follows.

The question is not, are we in a world war? The question is, will we fight back? And if we do, can we actually defeat an enemy as powerful and inexorable as the laws of physics?
Yes, indeed, a plan of this scale is required, but I can't believe how naive McKibben, Richard Heinberg, and their associates are about the prospects that a ruling class of people who are completely addicted to power, which is derived from an economic system that requires growth, would ever adopt such plans! The fact that the Democratic Party inserted such a program in their party platform is absolutely irrelevant! That event was "political public relations 101". Only childish people believe such claptrap!
In July, the Democratic Party issued a platform that called for a World War II–type national mobilization to save civilization from the “catastrophic consequences” of a “global climate emergency.” In fact, Hillary Clinton’s negotiators agreed to plans for an urgent summit “in the first hundred days of the next administration” where the president will convene “the world’s best engineers, climate scientists, policy experts, activists, and indigenous communities to chart a course to solve the climate crisis.” 
Only ending the rule of capitalists can possibly save us. Only then can such plans be implemented.