Monday, September 12, 2016

Why Oliver Stone’s Snowden is the Best Film of the Year

Click here to access article by David Swanson from CounterPunch.
Snowden is the most entertaining, informing, and important film you are likely to see this year.

It’s the true story of an awakening. It traces the path of Edward Snowden’s career in the U.S. military, the CIA, the NSA, and at various contractors thereof. It also traces the path of Edward Snowden’s agonizingly slow awakening to the possibility that the U.S. government might sometimes be wrong, corrupt, or criminal. And of course the film takes us through Snowden’s courageous and principled act of whistleblowing.

We see in the film countless colleagues of Snowden’s who knew much of what he knew and did not blow the whistle.
You might also be interested in this article that I posted in July entitled "Why Oliver Stone’s new Snowden film almost never made it to theatres".

See also RT's interview with Snowden about the film