Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Capitalism and (De)Growth

This is a transcript of a presentation by American anthropologist Susan Paulson at a session of the fifth International Conference on Degrowth which took place in Budapest from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September 2016.
The conference was hosted by a post-socialist environment with the purpose to bring together degrowth conversations from different Eastern European regions. To facilitate this process several preparatory meetings were organised throughout the region. In line with this regional focus, the conference drew from Eastern European degrowth thinkers such as Karl Polanyi, Ivan Illich, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and André Gorz.
I urge you to forego the transcript by listening to Susan Paulson as she reads her opening poem and delivers her following remarks. Below is the hour and half session via YouTube, but her introduction and presentation is from 6:12m to 8:37m.