Saturday, October 22, 2016

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Click here to access article by Paul Craig Roberts from his blog.
It is an obvious fact that the oligarchic One Percent have anointed Hillary, despite her myriad problems to be President of the US. There are reports that her staff are already moving into their White House offices. This much confidence before the vote does suggest that the skids have been greased.

The current cause celebre against Trump is his conditional statement that he might not accept the election results if they appear to have been rigged. The presstitutes immediately jumped on him for “discrediting American democracy” and for “breaking American tradition of accepting the people’s will.”

What nonsense! Stolen elections are the American tradition.
And he didn't even mention the capitalist funding of candidates, political party restrictionsgerry-rigging of voting districts, purging of voter lists, and a variety of other methods to alter election results.