Friday, October 21, 2016

So Who Hacked Clinton? The Truth Could Be More Shocking Than You Expected

Click here to access article by Wayne Madsen from Strategic Culture Foundation.

Well, I don't know if he can validly assert that the truth about the alleged email hacking of Hillary's emails is "more shocking than you expected". At least I was not shocked, and I imagine that the followers of my website will not be shocked at all. Anyway I think you will find that he convincingly argues the real background to this Russian hacking fairy tale put out by corporate media. 
...there is not one scrap of evidence of Russian government involvement.

 The corporate media is trying to lay blame for the hacking of Podesta's and other Clinton campaign officials' email on Russian President Vladimir Putin. That is because the Democrats do not want to be embarrassed by admitting that the real culprits are hackers who want to know more about Podesta's knowledge of the "little gray aliens." It is the fault of Podesta and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton that they have attracted, with their talk about aliens, every computer hacker and script kiddie on the planet hungry for any morsel held in government and private computers about ET.

Just when most people believed the 2016 presidential election could not become any stranger, it has taken a nose dive into the “Twilight Zone.” As far as this writer’s knowledge of hackers, it was my job to monitor hacker operations throughout the 1980s and 1990s for the NSA, Department of State, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and U.S. Navy. It was clear then, as it is evident today, that computer hacking blamed on nefarious “state-supported” hackers was almost always the result of a teenager connected to a modem from his or her parents’ basement.