Saturday, October 29, 2016

The dark side of Jewish consciousness: manufactured anti-Semitism

Click here to access article by  Lillian Rosengarten from Mondoweiss.
I dedicate this essay to Hajo Meyer (1924-2014) anti-Zionist, political activist, Auschwitz survivor and hero in the struggle for Palestinian freedom. His words continue to inform me and his actions comfort my sorrow.
“An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. I am not anti-Jew. I am anti-Zionist”
 “Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. “
Zionism has always equated any criticism with anti-Semitism, delegitimization or worse. It serves as propaganda to maintain the illusion of Jews as “victims.” Ultra Nationalists who believe in their moral superiority create political terror in order to silence and deny.