Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Role of the US Media in the Palestine Conflict

Click here to access article by Jeremy R. Hammond from Foreign Policy Journal.
The thought-controlling American intelligentsia essentially serve as high priests of the state religion—another phrase borrowed from Noam Chomsky, who has written, “There is indeed something truly religious in the fervor with which responsible American intellectuals have sought to deny plain fact and to secure their dogmas concerning American benevolence, the contemporary version of the ‘civilizing mission.’”
Here the author is referring to the state religion of capitalism and the power that this faith-based system has given a tiny group of people who control the US-led Empire, aka the Anglo-American Empire. To cover up the owners' narcissistic pursuit of profits and power, the well-paid media disciples preach sermons of benevolence, humanitarian wars, "democracy", etc.

The capitalist directors of the Empire colluded with Zionists to construct a fortress in the Middle East, known as Israel, to insure that Empire capitalists would control the valuable oil resources of the region.