Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Foreign Nation Did Interfere in a US Election: in 1980

Click here to access article by Wayne Madsen from Strategic Culture Foundation

Well, to be more specific and accurate, a foreign nation was used by a section of our ruling class to interfere in the 1980 election to swing it for the Zionist infiltrated Republican party and their puppet-candidate and super salesman/grade B Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan. The event was another illustration of managed fake elections, along with fake news, that are constantly used in the capitalist ruling class's ersatz democracy to insure their interests of profit and power--not our interests of peace, equality, and sustainability.
In 1980, Democratic President Jimmy Carter, running for re-election under the cloud of the U.S. embassy in Tehran having been seized by radical Iranian students and 52 members of its staff being held hostage, was trying desperately to pull off an "October Surprise" to salvage his presidency. Unbeknownst to Carter, the campaign of his Republican rival, Ronald Reagan, had secretly negotiated an «arms-for-no-hostages» deal with the Ayatollah Khomeini’s regime in Iran.

In return for the shipment of embargoed military items, including spare parts for Iran’s U.S.-supplied F-14 Tomcat fighter planes and Phoenix air-to-air missiles for the planes, before the November 4 election, the Reagan team was promised by the Iranians that Tehran would hold the hostages until after the November election. Upon Reagan’s defeat of Carter, Iran held true to its promise and did not release the American hostages until noon Eastern Standard Time on January 20, 1981, the very moment Reagan raised his hand to take the presidential oath of office.