Sunday, January 15, 2017

Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead

Click here to access article by Baxter Dmitry from YourNewsWire. (additional link added 7:30 AM Seattle time.)

I was wondering how long he would last after the widespread publications of his book and RT video (linked to in the article). See what Sen. Schumer says about the CIA.
Ulfkotte was an editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, when he published Bought Journalists, the bestselling book that cost him his job and perhaps his life.

He was 56. German media, who were banned from reporting on his work in recent years, are reporting he died of “heart failure”.

Acknowledging that his life was under threat, Ulfkotte explained that he was in a better position that most journalists to expose the truth because he didn’t have any children who could be threatened.