Monday, January 30, 2017

Rex Tillerson and His Friends: The End Game of America

Click here to access article by Seth Ferris from New Eastern Outlook.

If this article doesn't depress you, nothing will. Ferris writes about Tillerson as being the biggest monster in the swamp of capitalism, and capitalists now rule the swamp of government which Ferris refers to as "the System Behind the System".
Tillerson is himself an integral part part of the System Behind the System. Appointing him gives a blank cheque for that system to do openly what it has done under cover of legality until now.

Is Trump unaware that it is the System Behind the System, acting independently, which has created the failed foreign policy adventures of the past two and a half decades? If he is going to drain the swamp, as he promised, why does he want to appoint another member of it to run the show? If you ever wondered what Chicago would have been like if Al Capone was the actual Mayor instead of merely controlling the elected officials, you may be about to find out.