Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Documentary You’ll Likely Never See

Click here to access article by James DiEugenio from ConsortiumNews.

The likely poor distribution of this exposé on the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine by US secret operatives is an excellent illustration of how real information is censored by the capitalist ruling class whenever it might expose their dirty secrets. Instead of permitting you to see this film, their corporate media replace real information with fake news.
Especially for American and Western European audiences, Ukraine on Fire could be revelatory in that it offers a historical explanation for the deep divisions within Ukraine and presents information about the current crisis that challenges the mainstream media’s paradigm, which blames the conflict almost exclusively on Russia.

Key people in the film’s production are director Igor Lopatonok, editor Alex Chavez, and writer Vanessa Dean, whose screenplay contains a large amount of historical as well as current material exploring how Ukraine became such a cauldron of violence and hate. Oliver Stone served as executive producer and conducted some high-profile interviews with Russian President Vladimir Putin and ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
The author continues on at length to describe much of Ukraine's fascist history and what really happened in Ukraine's recent coup. I gave the US engineered coup considerable coverage on this website. Simply enter "Ukraine" in a search box or select "Ukraine" in the "Labels" section some distance down the right side of my website.