Saturday, February 11, 2017

Climate Change, Science, NOAA Falsely Maligned by Tabloid Spin

Click here to access article from Climate Nexus.

Apparently climate deniers feel with the election of Trump that they can come out of the dark closet and be believed. Right-wing websites such as Breitbart have given major coverage to a recent piece in the British Daily Mail that tries to discredit NOAA's scientists.
As a result of human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, the planet is warming. Those who deny this fact have pointed to a supposed “pause” in warming to justify opposition to climate action. In 2015, a study led by NOAA’s Tom Karl was published in Science that flatly refuted the idea of a “pause.” It is one of many. But its high profile made it a target for attack.

On Saturday, a feature in the UK’s Mail on Sunday by David Rose makes outrageous claims that were already disproven as the paper version hit stands....