Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How India became Bill Gates' guinea pig: A conspiracy as recounted by the main actors

Click here to access article by Norbert Häring (Germany) from his website. 

First, by way of explanation, he uses extensive quotes from a forum organized by the US Treasury Department like the following:
Speaking for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the “Financial Inclusion Forum” in Washington, organized by the Treasury Department and USAID on December 1, 2015, Bill Gates said (min 17):
"min 17" refers to roughly 17 minutes into the video recording of this extensive forum which he provides a link to.

I think Häring is being too cautious about being objective by labeling his views about the Gates driven "financial inclusion" system as a "conspiracy theory". As laid out in this detailed, compelling article, it seems obvious that our financial masters of the US-led Empire see in this new system a vast potential for tracking everybody via their transactions in that part of the world they control to serve their security and profit interests at the expense of our security and material needs. By tracking transactions through US banks and financial services companies, the system would also be accessible by US "security services" like the CIA, NSA, etc.

True to form in this age of public relations newspeak, they keep telling us ordinary people (and themselves) that it is for our own good. They use phrases like the following to describe the benefits of this system to us:
  • it makes financial services to the poor better
  • can furnish financial advice to the poor
  • financial empowerment for many people
  • expand affordable and safe access to financial services
  • to help people to a brighter and more secure future
  • getting the poor out of poverty 
Also, see Engdahl's take on the cash topic in my other post today.