Thursday, February 9, 2017

Some urgent posts regarding DAPL from Dave Ratcliffe of

I received some very informative and urgent articles on the Dakota Access Pipeline crisis which his organization rat haus reality, based in Boston, is supporting, and I thought I would share them with the readers of this website.
U.S. veterans vow to block construction of Dakota Access Pipeline
by Jasmin Malik Chua, inhabitat
February 3, 2017

Energy Transfer Partners may complete the Dakota Access Pipeline yet: they just have to get past thousands of U.S. military veterans first. Returning to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota days after President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order reinstating the contentious $3.8 billion project, Veterans Stand has vowed to stonewall the pipeline’s completion. “We are committed to the people of Standing Rock, we are committed to nonviolence, and we will do everything within our power to ensure that the environment and human life are respected,” Anthony Diggs, a spokesman for the group, told CNBC. “That pipeline will not get completed. Not on our watch.”

The group, which served as “human shields” for protestors at Oceti Sakowin camp, just south of Bismarck, in December, have raised over $75,000 since launching a GoFundMe campaign last week. Veterans Stand is looking to raise $500,000 to purchase supplies such as food, firewood, propane, and first-aid kits, as well as arrange car rides for volunteers to and from the camp.

We Need You Now: Final Easement for DAPL Appears Imminent
Camp of the Sacred Stones
International Indigenous Youth Council
Indigenous Environmental Network
January 31, 2017

The Standing Rock Sioux will soon march on Washington.
by Sabrina Imbler, grist
February 3, 2017
On Wednesday, the tribe announced that the Rise With Standing Rock Native Nations March will happen in D.C. on March 10. That’s more than a month before the March for Science and the People’s Climate March.

Help us fill every single day of this calendar with a #NoDAPL action! Wherever you are, take action to kill the black snake.