Thursday, February 2, 2017

Trump’s “Migrant Policy” Exposes Continuity of Agenda

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook.

Cartalucci reminds that Trump's latest banning of refugee from seven countries has long antecedents in the ruling class's strategy to overturn independent governments in the Middle East which they described as "Soviet client regimes". The list, of course, does not include countries who have been, or were, in fact promoting terrorist armies to overthrow what were independent countries at the time of the formulation of this strategy. He argues that this action is likely motivated by the same strategy that occurred under Obama's administration: to create "safe zones" in Syria that would both serve to protect terrorist armies and fragment the Syrian nation.

Meanwhile the policy is being played up in corporate media by what I identify as the CIA faction to discredit the Trump administration and whip up more popular opposition to his administration.
Bloomberg and other allegedly “liberal” media platforms have attempted to link President Trump’s policies to his own business interests, deflecting public attention away from the fact that the seven nations targeted by the new executive order are precisely the same nations targeted since the 1990’s by Wall Street and Washington special interests.

US and European media are also leveraging their own manufactured “migrant crisis” to sell the concept of “safe zones” in Syria, a policy laid out and pursued under President Obama when initial US-backed regime change in Syria failed to materialize. The policy is now being continued without interruption under President Trump.
What is really needed is an independent popular revolutionary movement that is fully aware of this split in the ruling class and devises independent strategies to take advantage of their rivalry in the interests of the people and social justice, instead of being used by either sick capitalist faction for their own interests of controlling the Empire, ever more profit and power, and imposing their rule on the entire world.