Saturday, March 18, 2017

How The CIA And A Tech Startup Are Arming Police, Intelligence Agencies

Click here to access article by Eric Draitser from Mint Press News. (I am posting the article from this website because I couldn't get the full article from Draitser's website. Apparently it lies behind some sort of a paywall.)
The frightening implication is that this technology could eventually be used to stifle protest and halt communication among protesters. It is not hard to imagine police officers in major U.S. cities using the tech to harass and arrest protesters within specific geographical areas, cutting the legs out from under protests before they even begin.

Considering that police forces across the country are already fully militarized and employ military-style tactics, it would seem that BlueLine Grid is offering yet another potent weapon in the police state’s ongoing war against free speech and assembly. But it goes much further than that, as this technology is now quite literally the property of the CIA thanks to the undisclosed, but assuredly large, investment made in BlueLine Grid by the agency. And the connections to the police state and military-industrial-security complex run far deeper.