Sunday, March 12, 2017

How Come the CIA is World’s Hackfest Central Now

Click here to access article by Jean Perier from New Eastern Outlook.
Once Wikileaks released thousands of documents uncovering the extensive scope of the US CIA’s hacking, including a wide range of programs and backdoors that allow the wiretapping of smartphones, personal computers and even smart TVs, the whole world has once again had the chance to learn that it’s not the mysterious “Russian hackers” that pose the greatest threat to the international security, but rather the CIA itself. The tale of  “Russian hackers”, extensively used by the CIA and closely affiliated agencies in their propaganda war was used to whitewash American intelligence agencies who have established total surveillance over their own politicians and those governing foreign states.

Therefore, it is not surprising that today the CIA was subjected to extensive criticism both on the international stage and within the United States.