Saturday, March 4, 2017

ISIS Drops Drone Strikes on Syrian Army: They are Using Drones Now [and tanks, etc.]

Click here to access article by Cassius Kamarampi from Era of Wisdom.
ISIS hit the Syrian Arab Army with drone strikes in the eastern Qalamoun Mountains and Syrian Desert. That’s right: ISIS is using drones now. [and tanks, etc]
I wonder how long it will be before they have their own air force.

In addition to fake news, fake rescue outfits like the White Helmets, fake "democratic" governments, fake "revolutions" (Ukraine), we also have fake terrorist armies
After a leaked Hillary Clinton email tangibly admitted ISIS is being funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who the US supplies with weapons, it would be wise for us to question just how ISIS is able to acquire such things.

Why would ISIS be so determined to attack Syria as the US just happens to have wanted regime change in Syria for decades? We must question who is really funding them and what the situation is now with all the changes in the geopolitical landscape.