Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Meaning of Life (Part I)

Click here to access article by Jonathan Latham, PhD from Independent Science News.

This scientist provides details of the influence of early 20th century capitalists on the search for biological determinants that underlay human behavior. Their concern was most of all their fear of "unruly and resentful mobs" especially following the Russian Revolution of 1917.
Many people date the DNA revolution to the discovery of its structure by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. But really it began thirty years before, conceived by the mind of John D Rockefeller, Sr. Thus it is fitting that DNA is named after him. DNA stands for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid and ribo stands for Rockefeller Institute of Biochemistry (now Rockefeller University) where the chemical composition of DNA was first discovered in the 1920s. The Rockefeller Foundation had become interested in DNA because its trustees feared a Bolshevik-style revolution. Intense public resentment had already compelled the break-up of their Standard oil Company in 1911; so the Foundation sought ways, said trustee Harry Pratt Judson in 1913, to “reinforce the police power of the state”. They intended to find the ultimate key to human behaviour which would allow the resentful and envious mobs to be effectively managed.

The Foundation had two strategies for management that were distinct but complementary: to control human behaviour at the level of social structures: family, work and emotions, which the Foundation referred to by names such as “psychobiology”; and to control human behaviour at the level of molecules.
Later the influence was to prevent the questioning of harmful products that their corporations produced such as tobacco. 

Latham records the astounding influence of the Rockefellers and other rich capitalists have had on science research and other science related activities.