Thursday, March 23, 2017

We’re All Minorities Now

Click here to access article by Pam Martens and Russ Martens from Wall Street on Parade.

The authors ask:
How did a society that fought a brutal and bloody revolution to throw off the yoke of one percent rule end up where we find ourselves today?
My answer is that the people were lied to and fooled into supporting the new capitalist plunderers of America against the British monarchy.

The causes they list are simply effects that have developed ever since that capitalist American revolution.
...we believe the major causes are as follows: a highly consolidated corporate media that failed to tackle these issues with regularity and force; a timid Internal Revenue Service that was afraid to take on the billionaire class for setting up faux citizen front groups that drowned out the voice and views of real citizens; and, of course, an abjectly corrupt system of billionaire financing of political campaigns.