Hi, Ron,
Since I don't think capitalism can be separated from the propaganda it requires, my post tonight may interest you. In order to get angry enough to get active enough to turn against capitalism, people need to realize the lies that must be built into it. Lies about peoples in other lands who are not capitalist, but more socialist must be constantly and consistently and very vocally proclaimed by a united media front in order to convince our thoroughly indoctrinated populace that Capitalism is The Only Right Way and everyone else is not just wrong, but "evil". No single example of a government caring for its people - building schools and hospitals instead of bombs, building homes instead of surveillance systems, providing health care instead of taxes to fund wars - can be allowed to exist. Syria is just one of the most visible current targets of capitalism.
in the time remaining, to help us understand how the man-made system of capitalism will lead to the extinction of our human species, and so many others.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
They're back! White Helmets Report False Sarin Attack
Click here to access a post by Caren Black from her and her partner's website Titanic Lifeboat Academy. (With her permission I am posting this from her website. As you can see, she is using a similar format as my posts by providing a commentary to other posts, but different in that she posts the entire article (or two as in this post of hers). She wrote me regarding this piece: