Monday, June 5, 2017

The West’s War on Free Speech

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook
In a recent Tweet, NDI linked to a New York Times article titled, “In Europe’s Election Season, Tech Vies to Fight Fake News.” It claimed in the Tweet that the article featured:
"A look at some of the projects aiming to use automated algorithms to identify and combat fake news."
The article itself though, reveals nothing short of a global effort by US tech-giants Google and Facebook, in collaboration with the Western media, to censor any and all media that fails to align with Western-dominated narratives.
Cartalucci reports that our Big Brothers in the ruling class are beginning a project to insure that we, the people, only receive information and analysis over the internet/web that meets with their approval instead of what they regard as "fake news". So that we don't notice, I think they will use the "boiling frog" method: they will initially target obviously fake news items--even to the extent of supplying such fake news reports themselves--but then gradually turning their attention to reports that they don't like and don't want us to view.