Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Why Americans Don’t Understand Terrorism, At All

Click here to access article by Joe Giambrone from OffGuardian

Giambrone thinks that Brits are holier than Americans. Because they voted for Labor candidates under Jeremy Corbin? We Americans were only given a choice between a real estate tycoon who promised jobs and peace with Russia and a mad-dog warmonger as represented by Hillary Clinton. This only proves that their political process might be more open than ours. After all, the US is now the center of the Empire, not Britain! Who cares where North Korea is?! 😉
We live in an invisible empire, and so the mechanics of the empire are never openly discussed with the rabble. Americans don’t comprehend how power actually works across the planet that their country seeks to control. They live from momentary headline to headline without any honest, in-depth analysis of why events like the Manchester bombing occur and keep occurring.

When it comes to terrorism it is dire, urgent, and desperate that the public understand, if anything is to change. But it certainly appears that Americans never will. Perhaps Britons may, and then lead the effort to stop it.