Friday, July 14, 2017

Welcome to Hell for Capitalists Who Wreck and Exploit

Click here to access article by Gilbert Mercier from The Greanville Post

This was obviously written on the eve of the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, but it is still worthy of our understanding of the increasing alienation of populations in the West toward their ruling capitalist class masters.
The zombified world public opinion watches dazed, confused and hypnotized by the merry-go-round of one crisis, real or manufactured, after another. The rule of thumb is now preferably several crises at once. Thus the brainwashing mission is accomplished, as most people lack the time or ability to focus on any specifics. It is about inducing fear, anxiety, paranoia, and hatred in a permanent kaleidoscope to create despair and a collective psychosis. When the global elite create chaos to manipulate people into submission, they should expect a backlash from the streets.